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Staking with Armadillo is as easy as 1, 2, 3

Don't forget, your ADA stays safe and sound inside your own wallet.

Transfer your ADA

If it's not there already, transfer your ADA to the Daedalus , Yoroi or similar Cardano wallet

Select Stake Pool

Select your wallet for staking. Choose AMDLO stake pool from the list of validators

Delegate your stake

Enter your spending password. Pay a small fee to delegate. 

That's it. Sit back and wait for your rewards.

daedalus logo.png

A desktop, full-node hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallet for ada cryptocurrency, bundled with full Cardano node.

Stores the entire history of Cardano blockchain and validates all blocks and transactions for fully trustless and autonomous operation.

Runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.

Yoroi logo.png

A lite hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallet for ADA cryptocurrency, running as a Chrome or Firefox extension.

Connects to a full Cardano node hosted by a third party (Emurgo).

Runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux, as well as iOS and Android.

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